News & Articles

If you love Moli Yoga, here are some links I think you'll enjoy. Please see my facebook for more regular updates about the science of yoga, meditation, and other inspiration...

31 March, 2022

Consciousness, a Quantum Physics Perspective

Renowned quantum physicist, John Hagelin (PhD, Harvard), presents the thesis that consciousness is a unified field that contains nature's programming code and transcending through meditation is a pathway to hack / access consciousness.

31 March, 2022

Sat Bir S. Khalsa, PhD: Yoga for Stress and Resilience in a Modern Society

Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, PhD, Research Director for the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health and assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School at Brigham and Women’s Hospital provides a science-based perspective on stress and yoga. Watch this satsang presentation to learn about the psychophysiological impact of yoga, stress tolerance and resilience, mind-body practices and taking a mind-wandering vacation. With remarkable insight Sat Bir explains, “A situation is just a situation. The key is how you deal with it.”

22 December, 2021

Breaking News from Charlie Chaplin

"You need Power only when you want to do something harmful otherwise love is enough to get everything done."

25th June, 2021

A Neuroscientist Explores the "Sanskrit Effect"

TMRI scans show that memorizing ancient mantras increases the size of brain regions associated with cognitive function... (click for more).

25th June, 2021

The Sanskrit effect: How verbal recitation boosts cognitive function (news report)

17th June, 2021

What happens in your molecules and genes when you do yoga?

7th August, 2019

Kung Fu Nuns Planning to Teach Hundreds of Himalayan Women Self-Defense

These active Buddhist nuns are helping women in India and Nepal to empower themselves through martial arts... (click for more).

24th July, 2017

Dr. Gabor Mate on The Myth of "Normal"

24th July, 2017

The Science of Chakras, The Vagus Nerve & Meditation

24th July, 2017

The New Uplift Film - The Science behind Yoga

Featuring Bruce Lipton Ph.D, Sat Bir Khalsa Ph.D, Dr. Mithu Storoni, and many other experts on the scientific research behind the benefits of Yoga.... (click to watch).